Mar 18, 2002

India Calls For UN Security Council Expansion - Security Council - Global Policy Forum United Nations, 12 March: Cautioning that "unrepresentative and anachronistic" character of UN Security Council might hinder its ability to tackle threats to international peace and security in the long run, India called for its faster expansion by including developing countries.
"It is imperative that its reforms be given the highest priority," Indian Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN A. Gopinathan said. Calling for "collective endeavour" to move the process of reforming the Council, including its expansion, at a faster pace, he said making developing countries permanent members is essential to ensure its more representative character. As the Council acts mostly on situations in developing countries, the "expansion of the Council to include new permanent and non-permanent members is essential," he said.....

Mar 4, 2002

Globalization - Globalization, Cosmopolitanism and Democracy: an Interview
Interview with David Held, Graham Wallas Professor of Political Science at the London School of Economics, by Montserrat Guibernau, Senior Lecturer in Politics at the Open University.
L'axe du Mal Monde diplomatique
Current Time Chicago, February 27, 2002: Today, the Board of Directors of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moves the minute hand of the �Doomsday Clock,� the symbol of nuclear danger, from nine to seven minutes to midnight, the same setting at which the clock debuted 55 years ago. Since the end of the Cold War in 1991, this is the third time the hand has moved forward.