Feb 25, 2002
World: Environmentalist Predicts Economic Collapse If Trends Continue
...In order to survive, the global economy must undergo a shift as groundbreaking as the Copernican revolution in astronomy in the 16th century, which recognized that the Earth revolves around the sun, rather than vice versa. This is the message being taken to political and business leaders all over the world by noted U.S. environmentalist Lester Brown, who says they need to recognize that the economy should be considered secondary to ecological concerns. To do the reverse -- treat the environment as of lesser importance than the economy -- spells certain disaster, warns Brown, who last week was in Brussels and spoke to RFE/RL correspondent Ahto Lobjakas....
...In order to survive, the global economy must undergo a shift as groundbreaking as the Copernican revolution in astronomy in the 16th century, which recognized that the Earth revolves around the sun, rather than vice versa. This is the message being taken to political and business leaders all over the world by noted U.S. environmentalist Lester Brown, who says they need to recognize that the economy should be considered secondary to ecological concerns. To do the reverse -- treat the environment as of lesser importance than the economy -- spells certain disaster, warns Brown, who last week was in Brussels and spoke to RFE/RL correspondent Ahto Lobjakas....
Feb 21, 2002
Analyses de livres - ao�t 1999
... � l'aube du troisi�me mill�naire, l'heure n'est plus aux querelles qui ont entour� la publication de L'origine des esp�ces et de La descendance de l'homme. De tout autres pr�occupations s'imposent : l'esp�ce humaine est la premi�re qui ait d�truit un nombre si consid�rable d'autres esp�ces vivantes en si peu de temps (quelques d�cennies), la premi�re qui ait tant boulevers� le fonctionnement des �cosyst�mes naturels, la premi�re qui s'appr�te � modifier les plans de sa propre structure en cisaillant et en recollant l'ADN...
... � l'aube du troisi�me mill�naire, l'heure n'est plus aux querelles qui ont entour� la publication de L'origine des esp�ces et de La descendance de l'homme. De tout autres pr�occupations s'imposent : l'esp�ce humaine est la premi�re qui ait d�truit un nombre si consid�rable d'autres esp�ces vivantes en si peu de temps (quelques d�cennies), la premi�re qui ait tant boulevers� le fonctionnement des �cosyst�mes naturels, la premi�re qui s'appr�te � modifier les plans de sa propre structure en cisaillant et en recollant l'ADN...
Feb 17, 2002
Global Competitiveness Report 2001-2002Available December 2001
An invaluable tool that identifies existing impediments to economic growth.
Executive Summary: Competitiveness and Stages of Economic Development [in PDF Format]
....At low levels of development, government�s main job is to provide overall political and macroeconomic stability and sufficiently free markets to permit the effective utilization of primary commodities and unskilled labor both by indigenous firms and through attracting foreign investment.
Firms produce commodities or relatively simple products of long-standardized technology designed in other more advanced countries.Technology is assimilated through imports, foreign direct investment, and imitation. In this stage, companies compete on price and often lack direct access to consumers.They have limited roles in the value chain, focused on assembly, labor-intensive manufacturing,
and resource extraction. A Factor-Driven economy is highly sensitive to world economic cycles, commodity price trends, and exchange rate fluctuations.....
An invaluable tool that identifies existing impediments to economic growth.
Executive Summary: Competitiveness and Stages of Economic Development [in PDF Format]
....At low levels of development, government�s main job is to provide overall political and macroeconomic stability and sufficiently free markets to permit the effective utilization of primary commodities and unskilled labor both by indigenous firms and through attracting foreign investment.
Firms produce commodities or relatively simple products of long-standardized technology designed in other more advanced countries.Technology is assimilated through imports, foreign direct investment, and imitation. In this stage, companies compete on price and often lack direct access to consumers.They have limited roles in the value chain, focused on assembly, labor-intensive manufacturing,
and resource extraction. A Factor-Driven economy is highly sensitive to world economic cycles, commodity price trends, and exchange rate fluctuations.....
Feb 13, 2002
WORLD The global financial architecture in transition
During the past quarter-century, economic and financial liberalisation across
the world has led to the new, market-based financial economy in which we live.
This transformation of the financial system has brought considerable benefits.
But as the recent episode in Argentina reminds us, it has also been
accompanied by too many financial crises, especially affecting emerging market
countries. Some NGOs, voices in the media, and a few economists blame
neo-liberal economic reforms for these problems. But policymakers have little
appetite for a return to strict government regulations and have concentrated
instead on the need to make markets function better by adopting rules-based
frameworks to guide financial policies and markets. In addition to crisis
prevention, the objective is to make countries more resilient in times of
financial turbulence.
During the past quarter-century, economic and financial liberalisation across
the world has led to the new, market-based financial economy in which we live.
This transformation of the financial system has brought considerable benefits.
But as the recent episode in Argentina reminds us, it has also been
accompanied by too many financial crises, especially affecting emerging market
countries. Some NGOs, voices in the media, and a few economists blame
neo-liberal economic reforms for these problems. But policymakers have little
appetite for a return to strict government regulations and have concentrated
instead on the need to make markets function better by adopting rules-based
frameworks to guide financial policies and markets. In addition to crisis
prevention, the objective is to make countries more resilient in times of
financial turbulence.
Feb 9, 2002
Suffrage Lesson - Facts (Women in World History Curriculum) Selected Suffrage Facts Winning the Vote in National Elections
Feb 4, 2002
The Poor Speak Up Leaders of the developing world are rising up with a strength not seen since Tito, Nasser and Nehru, challenging the rules of globalization as defined by both Western governments and Western activists
Guardian Unlimited Observer | International | Is human evolution finally over? Is human evolution finally over? Scientists are split over the theory that natural selection has come to a standstill in the West. Robin McKie reports
Scientific American: Feature Article: The Bottleneck: February 2002 We have entered the Century of the Environment, in which the immediate future is usefully conceived as a bottleneck: science and technology, combined with foresight and moral courage, must see us through it and out...
Feb 3, 2002
Etats-Unis : le budget de la defense explose
"Les Etats-Unis se dirigent vers la plus forte hausse des depenses militaires depuis la presidence de Ronald Reagan, depuis ces 20 dernieres annees.George W. Bush veut augmenter le budget de la defense de 120 milliards de dollars au cours des 5 prochaines annees. Il devrait en faire la demande au Congres ce lundi. Il avait deja annonce une "grosse .."
"Les Etats-Unis se dirigent vers la plus forte hausse des depenses militaires depuis la presidence de Ronald Reagan, depuis ces 20 dernieres annees.George W. Bush veut augmenter le budget de la defense de 120 milliards de dollars au cours des 5 prochaines annees. Il devrait en faire la demande au Congres ce lundi. Il avait deja annonce une "grosse .."
Le Monde.fr : Les Etats-Unis face au terrorisme Les Etats-Unis se sont dits prets a combattre seuls le terrorisme a la Conference annuelle internationale de Munich sur la securite samedi et dimanche, qui a revele de profondes divergences avec leurs allies europeens.
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